vrijdag 15 mei 2009

To all SWAP members...

Now that the Swap has closed, I've been trying to send out emails to some of you here from my hotelroom (at home I don't work from my laptop), but it's just taking to long this way...
So I decided to ask you all in this post to send me an email with answers to these questions:
1. Your name
2. Your full adress
3. Your blog adress
4. Name 2 colors you really like
5. Name 2 colors (if any) that you dislike
6. Anything else you would like to share with your swap partner about yourself, your style, etc

Please send this email to: QuiltatHome@gmail.com, so I'll get them while I'm here in Pittsburgh. I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you and getting the information about your swap-blogger out to you!


6 opmerkingen:

Chookyblue...... zei

have a wonderful time at Market........just emailed my details........

Anoniem zei

Thank you -I've just emailed my details.

em's scrapbag zei

Thanks sharing market photos and for putting together this wonderful swap.

grandmarockton zei

hello, sure would be nice IF bloggers all had translator on thier blogs, so we who don't speak another lanuage could read up on SWAP partner. Just an idea! FUN is starting NOW!

Erin Sew zei

hi Sandra!
my pincushion is ready to go to my partner. plan to ship to her next week!

tq tq tq for hosting this great swap!


Caroline zei

Hi Sandra,

I seem to be having difficulty contacting you. I've sent 2 emails over the past week. Unfortunately I don't appear to have received my swap partner details :-( I have made my pincushion and it's ready to be posted.

Could you please re-send the information.

Many thanks,
